Human Rights section

This section shall include all the analytic articles that addresses particular cases and/ or particular categories of human rights, which are most often violated in Albania. It shall also analyze the Albanian legislation, impacting human rights, to assess if it meets the required standards and principles set by the European Convention on Human Rights (“ECHR”), which is ratified by Albania.

The need of establishing a Special Medical Institution for Forensic Patients in Albania (2024), Doc. Marsida Grami and MSc. Anxhela Kenaj

Anxhela Kenaj
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The latest vision and one of the main priorities of the Government of Albania has been transforming the penitentiary system, with a notable transition from retributive justice towards the endorsement/embracement of restorative justice approach.

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The Balance Between the Right to Information and the Right to Privacy in Judicial Decisions: The Case of Albania (2024) - LL.M. Hysmir Idrizi & LL.M. Gentiana Kapllani

Gentiana Kapllani
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Three major revolutions have shaped and reshaped the way society cooperates as a whole entity: the Agricultural Revolution, the Industrial Revolution, and the Technological Revolution.[1] Started in 1970 with the emergence of new technologies, the latter paved the way to a novel way of social interaction, the one that is referred to today as “the information society”.

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Important factors that influence integration of refugees in the host societies

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This research will deal with the complexities of refugees’ integration in different societies. The paper will focus on the refugees’ perspective regarding what is helpful to them to better participate in the society. It will also provide examples on how European Union member states and also other states support refugees’ unification in their social order.

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Domestic Violence: International and Albanian Approaches

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Domestic violence is still one of the state’s biggest challenges. During the new Millennium several legal changes have been made. In 2011, for the first time, European states took International responsibility under the standard of ‘due negligence.’ This criteria was inflicted by the “Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence” (Istanbul Convention).

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The evolution of the perception of fundamental rights in the European Union

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This work addresses the development of the protection of Human Rights in the EU. It explores the development of EU human rights outside of the EU treaties, due to the constitutional courts of the Member States and the European Court of Justice.

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Refugees and asylum seekers rights in Albania: A comparison with European legislation

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This article deals with the phenomenon of irregular immigration in Albania most specifically regarding the rights of asylum seekers and refugees. This topic is directly linked with the subject of Human Rights, being a fundamental value and a goal to be accomplished regulated through international Conventions, international organizations such as Council of Europe and European Union itself.

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The Principle of Non-Discrimination on Grounds of Gender in the Workplace – Assessing Albanian Law through EU Standards

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This is an analysis aiming to examine the extent to which the Albanian legislation is aligned with the EU acquis with regard to the women’s labour rights, with a special focus on the non-discrimination on grounds of gender.

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“Chilling effect”, towards an additional standard for the protection of freedom of expression

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In a democratic society, no one should be hindered to exercise his/her rights, rather he/she should be encouraged, especially when these rights are not merely individual but linked to the interests of society as a whole.

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Abuzimi seksual i fëmijëve, mbrojtja ndërkombëtare dhe sistemi ligjor shqiptar

Holta Ymeri
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Ky artikull trajton një shkelje shumë serioze të të drejtave të njeriut, abuzimin seksual, të kryer kundër një kategorie të veçantë dhe të pambrojtur të shoqërisë sonë: fëmijët. Artikulli synon të trajtojë në mënyrë gjithëpërfshirëse fenomenin e abuzimit seksual të fëmijëve dhe pasojat e tij, si dhe masat e marra për ta parandaluar atë në nivel ndërkombëtar dhe në rendin juridik shqiptar.

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